Unrestricted Rotarian Foundation of Livermore
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or mail your check to:
Rotarian Foundation of Livermore
P.O. Box 2181
Livermore, CA 94551-2181
Restricted Funds
If you wish to donate to a specific cause, please use the following buttons for restricted donations:
Music Scholarships
STEM (STEAM) Scholarship
Literacy Project
Rotary Club of Livermore Valley-RCLV
Grace Care Medical Clinic
Nepalese Orphanage Project
RCL President’s Club
CA Buoy Project (Climate Restoration by OIF CO2 Removal)
Ambassadors of Compassion
Children’s Holiday Party
Pedrozzi Scholarship
RAVE Scholarship for Veterans
RCLV Mini-Grants
RCLV Kevin Drake Scholarships
John Shirley Scholarship
READY (Rotarians Enriching and Directing Youth)
Rodeo Parade