The Rotarian Foundation of Livermore awarded $45,203 to eleven community organizations. Recipients were:
Requestor | Project | Amount |
Open Heart Kitchen | Children's Weekend Bag Lunch Program | $5000 |
Sunflower Hill | Horticultural educational & vocational services to special needs individuals | $5000 |
Del Valle Continuation High School Culinary | Del Valle Culinary Academy Kitchen Equipment | $3900 |
Exceptional Needs Network | iPad for Special Needs Camp | $1000 |
LVJUSD Community Children's Health Access | Community Children's Health Access | $5000 |
Spectrum Community Services | Meals on Wheels | $4500 |
LPD (Liv., Pleas., Dublin) American Assoc. of University Women | Tech Trek (STEM) Scholarships for Livermore 7th Grade Girls | $3000 |
Close Up Foundation | Civic Education Program for Low-Income Livermore Students | $5000 |
Tri-Valley Haven | Food Pantry enhancement through purchase of food items to address needs of homeless and special diets | $5000 |
Culinary Angels | Commercial food processing equipment for Culinary Angels | $2785 |
Del Valle Continuation High School Art | Del Valle Professional Photo Program Equipment | $5018 |